Saturday, June 20, 2015

Mirror Assemblies That Used Sealed Warped Glass Mirrors

Before 1984, our solar collectors either directly generated low pressure steam for heating, distilling alcohol, cleaning aircraft parts, and curing concrete blocks or remotely boiled water using heat-transfer oil. When converting thermal energy into power, higher temperature is better within the physical limits of materials. Also, tiny hot bodies lose less energy than bigger ones at the same temperature, so smaller is better (and often less expensive).

High performance solar collectors typically direct sunlight hitting a large area of mirrors into cavity receivers, insulated vessels open at one end. One optical goal for developing solar concentrators: direct as much sunlight as possible into the smallest hole. Since the sun has a finite diameter, sunlight reflecting off flat mirrors continues to spread and images get larger farther away. Flat mirrors that are much smaller than a target can reflect sunlight inside the target area but making and aligning each one takes time. Heat or other forming larger parabolic mirrors that would reflect more than 90% of the sunlight hitting it into an opening is difficult, and probably expensive. We found it straightforward and easy to warp flat glass mirror facets so each delivers, some distance away, an image of the sun much smaller than itself.

This Small Receiver Intercepts Sunlight Reflected Off a Large Mirror Area. Note: The Receiver Allows Only Brightness from Around the Sun in the Image. The Diameter of the Actual Receiver Opening Is Half the Diameter of the Insulated Cylinder.

These Mirror Assemblies Directed Concentrated Sunlight Into a Receiver That Generated Power with a Turbine

In 1983 we built our first solar collector where we bent flat mirrors into the shape that approximated a parabolic surface. Because we wanted our mirrors to last more than 30 years, we developed a technique to encapsulate the silver reflective surface inside glass (to isolate the silver from the environment). We modified approaches used to manufacture insulated glass windows that also have to perform well for a long time. These glass-mirror sandwiches (360 @16.5 x 36.5 inches in the first) used spacer strips along the two long sides between the mirror and glass. A thinner strip of adhesive was then applied midway between the spacer strips. This warped both the double-strength (0.12 inch thick) backing glass and the single-strength  (0.09 inch thick) mirror so each formed shallow troughs. We used insulated glass techniques to absorb moisture and seal the volume between the sheets of glass. The solar image on a target at the focal length of a mirror facet at this stage was a narrow line, brighter than the sun but longer than the facet. An aluminum strip to attach a “pull-back” was bonded on the back of the mirror facet down the long centerline. When mounted in a mirror assembly, the corners of each mirror facet were fixed so facet images were superimposed on a target at the concentrator focal length. A turnbuckle connected to the center of each facet was then adjusted until its long solar reflection became round with an area less than one tenth the size of a mirror facet. “Pull-backs” warped the trough-shaped facets into parabolic shapes.

Front View of the Above Solar Collector Showing Warped Glass Mirrors Mounted on 24 Mirror Assemblies, 12 with Extensions

In 1986 we began building a larger concentrator (3,200 square feet) that used larger glass-mirror facets (392 @ 24.5 x 48 inches). We used the same techniques as above but integrated an aluminum frame on each facet to make them much more rugged, able to be stacked for staging and shipping, and easier to mount on mirror assemblies.

View of Mirror Facets Mounted on Mirror Assemblies of the Solar Collector Shown at the Top of This Post

Close-up Showing a Reflection of the Receiver in One of the Mirror Facets. The Actual Receiver Opening Is Too Bright to See But the Aperture Skirt Tubing That Protects the Receiver Structure Is Visible. Curvature of Straight Elements in Reflections Illustrates Mirror Facet Are Slightly Curved

In 1990, in our final experiment with laminated glass facets, we adhesively bonded a large sheet (4 x 7 feet) of double-strength glass to a parabolic structure formed out of grid of aluminum extrusions. We bonded a single-strength mirror to this and used insulated glass techniques to seal the volume between the sheets of glass. This large assembly intensified sunlight over 30 times but proved cumbersome. Safely handling such large sheets of glass requires special fixtures and would be difficult to do without breaking some. Losing even a small corner of either a mirror or backing would probably require recycling it. This test also uncovered another limit: bending glass breaks if the tension at any surface exceeds the tensile strength of the material. Any flaw, such as a scratch or chip, concentrates local forces and greatly reduces how much stress can be applied without breaking. Thin glass bends easily and can safely establish a spherical (or parabolic) surface with a much tighter radius (focal length) than thicker glass. The large mirror facet above was aimed at concentrators larger than 6,000 square feet (able to direct more than 500 kilowatts of sunlight into a receiver).

Worldwide, serious research into high performance solar thermal technologies dwindled in the late 1980s. We had to find work in other arenas to put our kids through college. In my spare time I continued to make tabletop models over the next two decades to tease out solutions to many problems and awkward approaches we encountered in earlier work. Some of our mirror assemblies had been outdoors since the early 1970s and most of their facets were still in good shape more than thirty years later. With the right edge treatment and organic coatings, thin glass mirrors can weather outdoors in upstate New York for many decades. Since we have more than a thousand new and used glass mirrors from earlier work, I developed a technique for mounting them without a backing glass in an array to form a mirror assembly. The next piece will cover Mirror Assemblies That Warp Simple Glass Mirrors.


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